STL stands for “stereolithography’ and is considered the granddaddy of all other 3D printer file formats. To work around compatibility issues, creators stuck to sharing formats that are “neutral” or “open-source.” Of the open-source formats, the four we are about to discuss here are some of the most commonly used. This eventually became a problem when people had to collaborate in making a model using different software platforms. This eventually resulted in more than a hundred different file formats, most of which were incompatible to each other. Back in the early years of 3D modeling, each modeling software that was developed and published stored its file in a unique and proprietary format.

If we had to write in detail about all the file formats used for 3D models, we would probably end up writing a book. Why do 3D models have so many file formats? Why just four? Good question, and we’ll get to that shortly. In this article, we take a detailed look at four of the most common file formats used in 3D printing. In the field of 3D printing, this can be done by being consistent with file formats. Good collaboration requires clear communication. With the technology becoming more accessible than ever, there is now a global 3D printing community that has fostered collaboration and sharing of ideas and models. 3D Insider is ad supported and earns money from clicks, commissions from sales, and other ways.ģD printing has certainly evolved from being something that can only be done using expensive, industrial-scale machines to a hobby that can be done from inside your home garage or workshop.